Arduino/Atmel and Linux challenge...solved?

When something fails is programmer's issue,

This is a programmer's issue. Atmel's programmer's issue. The newest release will not compile anything if not modified. Period.
Not only does it not, but the way it is coded, it shouldn't. Trying to force it to compile will only generate faulty code. I had to make two modifications to get it to compile at all. And relatively easy bugs to find.

I have the same code working great on Windows compiled program on the same Mega2560.

I will NOT go back to version 4.3.4. We are supposed to be moving FORWARD here! I'm on avr-gcc V4.5.1.

Thanks for all your input, guys, but according to my scorecard at the bottom of the first inning (or end of the first period):
Arduino 0
Atmel 0

EDIT: One of these companies could score the first point by posting this:
"Hi, I work for _______, and we are looking into it".

I should start a poll. Am I the only user that can compile programs with avr-gcc V4.5.1?
Without modification, it will not compile "blink".

I am not just shouting accusations at anyone. If you take a look at the other subject, you will see I know where the two bugs are, and I know how to remove them. I have not had time to dig into the problem yet. I have work to do.