What do I need to know before i can begin an Arduino project?

In fact I am planning on a book too but it is going to be a formal physical computing textbook.

Get going on that then please 8)

My daughter's just finishing her 2nd last year of school (school year = calendar year here) and after school plans either a degree in mechatronics or an apprenticeship as a millwright. She job shadows at an industrial robot company; might get a summer job there (Southern side of the equator, summer here whoo hoo). She's dabbled in Arduino although that took a back seat to school work this year (full academic honours, top ten in the school, maths olymiad. TourDeMaths etc etc (oh and she does art which is huuuuuuge effort for the same marks as an English essay or a science report))

So anyway, you have a year. Get writing dammit!