ATtiny, RF24L01 transceiver and IO

Thanks to Fritzing i made a diagram.
The second question was more significant

If i press the button S1 in room AA I will send a data to both other two rooms but the room A2 will ignore the data(because of the code) and the room A1 will turn on the LED1.

If i press the button S3 in room A1 I will send a data to both other two rooms but the room A2 will also ignore the data(because of the code) and the room AA will send an answer that only the room A1 will turn off the LED1.

and now the problem.
If I press both S3 and S4 buttons what will happen on the board in room AA.
Is there any way to realize the two data packets?
What if i have to add more boards in more rooms?