To Bing or not to Bing


Don't be fooled
Facebook (and others) know where you have been. Every page containing a Facebook "I like" button results in a hit on Facebook with your Facebook Cookie so Facebook knows you visited that page. So don't hold back on pushing the "I like" button for privacy reasons. You were there; it is to late to deny.

Sorry for the bad news

:cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat: =( =( =(
Facebook still won't know if I like it if I don't push that button, or does hovering for 5 second above the thumb up already trigger some data flow?!

That is true. They don't know whether you like it or not. Even if you pushed the button they wouldn't know because you may like it for several reasons (It's your boss his wife 8).
They do know you were one way or another routed to the page that contained the "I like button" and that is what they are interested in.
Best regards
This is what they are after