Please evaluate and educate. First post

Just need a nudge sometimes or a fresh perspective.

With respect, I think that's what I've given. I've named the technologies which would be needed to implement the solution, and warned that they are not easy to use. Anyone determined enough to press on anyway is now in a position to google the terms, get some reassurance that they are indeed a feasible way to solve the problem, and start researching how to use them. They might even go across to the Motors, Mechanics and Power section for practical advice to get it working. I've also suggested some possible alternative approaches which avoid the difficulty and dangers.

I don't agree that the right thing to do is to answer every question at face value. It is very common to get questions asking how to make the wrong solution work. The best advice then is to use a different solution. There are also plenty of people who ask for help on projects that they are clearly not competent to complete, and who show no sign of recognising the extent of the problem they're tackling. In that case I sincerely believe that the most helpful response is to warn them that they're opening a can of worms. And of course there are also people who tackle safety-critical projects and give no sign that they're competent to manage the risks. In that case I will make a personal judgement call that I'm not willing to be responsible for encouraging them to do something that is likely to put themselves or others in danger. I don't mean to imply that all these factors apply to this thread, I'm just trying to explain why there will often be situations where I could answer a question more directly, but choose not to.

You may not agree with that approach, but at the end of the day it is up to me to decide what advice or help I give, and you must do the same.