Solid state memory with arduino

Hi there,
I have M11B416256A-35J(datasheet) IC.
In datasheet it says it's a randomly accessed solid state memory. Can I use it with arduino to store data using this IC?

Yes you can use it if you have about 29 pins spare on your Arduino.

Thanks for reply Riva :slight_smile: . I know arduino don't have that many I/O pins. That is why I am asking this question. What about arduino mega? can I use shift register for arduino uno? I just want to know if it's possible to use it in some way with arduino and if it's possible then little help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there,
I have M11B416256A-35J(datasheet) IC.
In datasheet it says it's a randomly accessed solid state memory. Can I use it with arduino to store data using this IC?

Run Far away from this chip, This is a Dynamic Ram Memory chip. This means you have to refresh the contents of the memory on a regular basis( usually thousands of times a second). The Atmel avr processors that are supported by the Arduino UI do not support this type of memory access.

Read the Spec sheet (hidden refresh, RAS refresh, CAS before RAS). if none of these words mean anything to you run away.

You need to search for SRAM like this chip. AS7C4096. a 512kB static RAM chip.
