Problem with " for loop()" (resolved)

Hello, I'm new to Arduino. I have the following problem with for loop()

The LED does not stop, I need to know because it does not stop at ARDUINO, and if MINIBLOQ

Arduino ; print "0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3 ...." no stop led

int _i;

void setup()
pinMode( 13 , OUTPUT);

void loop()
for (_i=0; _i< ( 5 ); ++_i )
digitalWrite( 13 , HIGH );
delay( 200 );
digitalWrite( 13 , LOW );
delay( 200 );
Serial.print( _i );


Arduino + Ardublock ; but does not stop printing

int _ABVAR_1_;

void setup()
pinMode( 13 , OUTPUT);

void loop()
for (_ABVAR_1_=0; _ABVAR_1_< ( 5 ); ++_ABVAR_1_ )
digitalWrite( 13 , HIGH );
delay( 200 );
digitalWrite( 13 , LOW );
delay( 200 );
Serial.print( _ABVAR_1_ ); print  5,5,5,5,5......


Minibloq ; stops but does not print text

#include "stdlib.h"
#include "IRremote.h"
#include "pitches.h"
#include "Minibloq.h"

void setup()

	for(unsigned int _i=0; _i<(unsigned int)(5); _i++)

void loop()

Modkit ; Modkit, stops, I have the Alpha account, I can not see the code and print text


Your first problem is not with the for loop but with the function "loop ()", which....loops.

If you just want one cycle of the for loop, put it in setup() and leave loop() blank.

Second problem doesn't even compile (I didn't even try), so I don't know why you say it doesn't print anything.


What's that?

Modkit ; Modkit, stops, I have the Alpha account, I can not see the code and print text

I can't even begin to guess what that means.

What I need is to blink (x) amount and stop.
Minibloq works but I can not put Serial.print texts
In MINIBLOQ I must be wrong
I will try from Arduino, your suggestion


PD: DigitalWrite(D13_LED) is a compilation with minibloq

Your first problem is not with the for loop but with the function "loop ()", which....loops.

If you just want one cycle of the for loop, put it in setup() and leave loop() blank.

Second problem doesn't even compile (I didn't even try), so I don't know why you say it doesn't print anything.


What's that?

Modkit ; Modkit, stops, I have the Alpha account, I can not see the code and print text

I can't even begin to guess what that means.


I'm trying, I would like to do with Arduino MAIN but I get no :smiley:


I'm trying, I would like to do with Arduino MAIN but I get no

I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by "Arduino MAIN ".

I've never used a graphical environment for the Arduino - does it have its own forum?

I'm guessing that English is not your native language - is there someone who can help you in the International section?

Thanks, solved XD with ARDUINO 1.0 .

int pinLED = 13;

void setup()
         pinMode( 13 , OUTPUT);
	for(unsigned int _i=0; _i<(unsigned int)(10); _i++)
	digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(13, LOW);

void loop()
const int pinLED = 13;

void setup()
  pinMode( pinLED, OUTPUT);

  for(int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    digitalWrite(pinLED, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pinLED, LOW);

void loop()

Thanks :wink:

I only want to add this that it's possible to print in Minibloq with the Serial block. But in the current version, it will only print numbers, not text. That may be enough for this example, but will not be able to print the automatic generated variable for the repeat block (called "_i") so you will need to add a second variable as counter to print it.

Regarding the question about the Minibloq forum, it's here:


Hi, If you're interested in following the development of ArduBlock, mentioned above, there is now a discussion group here: