Arduino Mega 1280 delay() turbocharged

I just received an Arduino UNO!

The first thing I tried is uploading the blink sketch! Changed the board type to UNO in the IDE and uploaded the sketch.

Behold! The LED is always ON, no flickering like on Arduino Mega 1280, and changing the delay() argument to, for instance, delay(5000), which would result in a slower blinking LED on the Mega, appears to do nothing. The LED is constantly on. Uploading the example "Blink without delay" works fine on both Uno and Mega boards.

This suggests that there is something seriously wrong with the Linux 64 bit libraries since the call to the same function (delay(1000)) results in different behaviours on different boards. I fear that many other functions may give unexpected results and I can't trust these libraries... so if anyone has any more clues about these issues I would love to hear some suggestions before installing a copy of window$...

Also, niadh in the topic "Arduino not responding correctly" is also having strange issues on 64 bit linux - maybe this is related?

Is there a place where I can file a bug with the devs about this issue? Open source hardware should have a good IDE implementation for open source software, no?

Thanks in advance,