Can't find old topic on clock compensation

19 system clock cycles, yes? I'm clocking TIMER2 asynchronously. That's how the Atmel code did it:

#ifdef ATMEGA48_88_168
int main( void )
	// Crystal clock will be output on PORTB3 (divided by 2)
	DDRB |= (1<<PORTB3);

	// Enable CTC mode with toggle on compare match. Precale 1 and top at 0
	OCR2A  =  0;
	TCCR2A = (0<<COM2A1)|(1<<COM2A0)|(1<<WGM21)|(0<<WGM20);
	TCCR2B = (0<<WGM22)|(0<<CS22)|(0<<CS21)|(1<<CS20);
	ASSR   = (1<<AS2);
