From linear to exponential PWM output


New Mega is in and running.
To make sure the lookuptable at the MEGA is the same we send it as string to the Serial.print
Unfortunenatly if the lookuptable is put in the serial.print the serial monitor shows only square blocks.
When I replace lookuptable for X it nicely fills the string with numbers from 0 to 255.
Am I running into limitations or did I (we) misused a string for this?
As long as the arduino side is not sending the right info I cant get it at the VB pc side not receive and decode propperly.
Any thoughts?

void fillLookupTable()

/* write lookupTable to stream so it can be used at the PC side to show the exact lookuptable curve used in the graph */
  for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
    //Serial.print(i); //test to see if string is filled with numbers from 0 to 255
    if (i<255)
      Serial.print("|"); //delimiter
