Simon Game programming



Ok, the speeed of the output goes faster. However, based on the full coding, does it means that the time I need to respond also getting faster ? Cause I seems to feel it when playing it ><

I don't think so, because RESPONSETIME is a defined constant and doesn't get changed.

Ok. Nice video :slight_smile:

Since counter is never reset (other than when you fail and start over), it means you have a total of (slightly over :slight_smile: ) 3 seconds of "decision time" through the whole game (the variable "counter" represents accumulated player response time through the entire "game").

So it's not that you need to speed up your input as the game goes on, rather it means that your input needs to be as fast as possible the whole time!

Have you tried increasing RESPONSETIME to a more reasonable value (say, 10000)?


Okay, I think I get you ! TOTAL ACCUMULATED of delay time before the user input throughout the game which will cause sometimes the game to be game over very fast ? Is it correct ?

