Hammond organ using Arduino UNO

Here is a sketch I have cobbled together to create a "Hammond" sound synthesiser using an Arduino UNO.

It uses MIDI signals and an MCP4921 DAC to pick up the syntheised sound via SPI on a "shield". (I didn't know what a "shield" was until recently, but its a piggy-back PCB that picks up the Arduino pins and contains electronics as required for the project):

/* --------------------------------------------------
   Hammond organ set to 636554078
byte thisByte = 0; // Midi note byte read from serial port
bool note = true; // True if current byte is to be treated as a note, false otherwise
int notesHeld = 0; // The number of keys pressed & held
uint16_t saveNote = 1845; // Temporary storage for Note value
uint16_t sample = 0; // The amplitude for the note from the sine[ ] table
uint16_t incr = 0 ; // the oddly-named value for the extra amount to be added to get the required output frequency
uint16_t pos = 0; /* oscillator position */ /*(I copied this without knowing what it is for)*/

const uint8_t sine[] =
  229,  230,  232,  233,  235,  238,  241,  243,  246,  248,  250,  252,  253,    253,    254,
  254,  250,  248,  240,  235,  233,  230,  225,  220,  215,  206,  203,  201,  200,  197,  195,
  194,  195,  195,  196,  198,  200,  205,  210,  212,  214,  218,  220,  222,  223,  224,  225,
  225,  224,  222,  221,  218,  214,  202,  198,  194,  188,  186,  184,  182,  181,  180,  180,
  179,  179,  178,  177,  176,  175,  175,  175,  175,  174,  174,  173,  172,  170,  169,  168,
  166,  163,  159,  156,  149,  145,  135,  129,  124,  120,  115,  105,  88,   84,   78,   65,
  55,   48,   45,   42,   38,   36,   34,   33,   33,   32,   31,   31,   32,   33,   34,   35,
  36,   38,   40,   43,   46,   49,   51,   53,   55,   57,   59,   63,   66,   70,   75,   85,
  95,   108,  118,  128,  138,  148,  158,  165,  167,  170,  178,  182,  184,  185,  187,  189,
  190,  190,  190,  189,  189,  188,  185,  182,  180,  178,  176,  173,  171,  169,  168,  167,
  166,  166,  167,  168,  170,  175,  180,  185,  190,  195,  202,  204,  205,  206,  207,  206,
  205,  203,  201,  195,  190,  185,  183,  181,  179,  177,  175,  173,  171,  169,  167,  165,
  163,  161,  159,  157,  155,  154,  152,  151,  150,  150,  149,  147,  144,  141,  138,  135,
  132,  129,  126,  123,  121,  119,  117,  115,  113,  111,  109,  107,  105,  103,  102,  101,
  100,  100,  101,  102,  103,  104,  105,  107,  110,  115,  120,  130,  140,  145,  156,  160,
  164,  168,  172,  176,  180,  184,  188,  192,  196,  200,  204,  208,  212,  216,  220,  224,
  225,  227,  228,
}; // 256 values but NOT a sinewave, now re-populated for a Hammond sound

static const uint16_t midiNotes[] = // Values from MIDI 21 to 98
{ // i.e. 88 values
  0,                                      // Note OFF value

void setup()

  pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // connected to an LED on shield piggy-back board

  TIMSK2 = (1 << OCIE2A); // Timer 2 interrupt at 15625Hz.
  OCR2A = 127; //  Set Output Compare Register = 127 to define the # of time intervals to be timed
  TCCR2A = 1 << WGM21 | 0 << WGM20; // See ATMEGA328P Page 150 for details
  TCCR2B = 0 << CS22 | 1 << CS21 | 0 << CS20;
  SPCR = 0x50; // Set SPI control register to binary 0101 0000; SPE and MSTR bits are set  HIGH
  SPSR = 0x01; // Set SPI status register to binary 0000 0001; SPI2X is set high here (SPI double speed)
  DDRB |= 0x2E; // 2E is 0010 1110 setting pins 9, 10, 11 & 13 to be outputs
  PORTB |= (1 << 2); // Left shift twice -> 0000 0100 and compound bitwise OR with whatever is already in PORTB
  // Looks like pin 10 is being set to a HIGH level, used as SS signal on my hardware 



  OCR2A = 127; // already done earlier . . . 
  pos += incr; // Compound addition, add incr to pos, result in pos
  sample = sine[highByte(pos)] << 2; // Determines the output frequency depending on the Midi note sent in
  PORTB &= ~(1 << 2); // Toggle PORTB pin 10 LOW
  SPDR = highByte(sample) | 0x70; // 70 hex = 0111 0000; pick up the higher bits only
  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))); // Wait for SPIF going HIGH when serial transfer is complete, is SPI Interrupt Flag
  SPDR = lowByte(sample); // Pick up the lower 8 bits of the 16-bit byte in (sample)
  while (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF)));
  PORTB |= (1 << 2); // Toggle PORTB pin 10 HIGH
} // End Timer Interrupt service routine

void loop()

/* Arrive with boolean "note" set to TRUE,
   notesHeld = 20 (arbitrary non-zero value, contains the current number of keys pressed simultaneously),
   thisByte = 0.
   Code is designed to allow a player to hear all the notes played as if the synth were polyphonic i.e. 
   fills the gaps which would be left if the code responded to each zero velocity byte individually
   instead of waiting for the last key to be lifted */
  if (Serial.available() > 0)
    thisByte = Serial.read(); // Read a Midi number byte from serial buffer

    if (thisByte == 144) // This is a new Note On situation
      note = true; //  True if current byte is to be treated as a note, false otherwise e.g. for a velocity byte
      incr = 0; // Silence the synth
      notesHeld = 0; // 144 emans that all piano notes have been released
      if (note) // It's a note, not a velocity
        note = false; // Next byte HAS to be a velocity
        saveNote = thisByte; // Keep this note I.D. handy
        if (thisByte == 0) // Must be a zero velocity byte
          --notesHeld; // So decrement the number of notes currently held down
          ++notesHeld; // Increment the number of notes currently held down 
          incr = midiNotes[(saveNote - 20)]; // Subtract 20 for correct position in the note table
        if (notesHeld == 0) // Now received a zero velocity byte for each note previously pressed
          incr = 0; // Once the last note is released, turn off the tone.
        note = !note; // Next byte HAS to be 144 (if using a Casio AP-21 piano anyway)
      } // End IF note
    } // End IF thisByte
  } // End serial.available
} // End Loop()

      Some code I used during testing:
      Serial.print("  This byte:  "); Serial.print(thisByte);
      Serial.print(" Note true/false: "); Serial.println(note);
      Serial.print(" notesHeld:  "); Serial.print(notesHeld);
      digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(7, LOW);
      Serial.print("  This byte after if 144:  "); Serial.println(thisByte);

I have ONLY tested it on an UNO and with a Casio AP-21 digital piano.

I note that the piano MIDI is of the "running" variety, where it doesn't send a Note ON message if a key is already held down. This necessitated a lot of the coding in the main Loop, because simply outputting each note caused the synthesiser to keep being silenced in a musically unwanted way.

Attached are details on the shield used.

The wavetable was created by recording Middle "C" from a genuine 1960's tonewheel Hammond organ and manually digitising the 256 amplitude values needed for a single cycle of the waveform. I set the 9 drawbars to 636554078 because I liked the sound.

The code sets the sampling rate at 15kHz although this results in higher notes having poor quality. I might try doubling the sampling rate to see if this improves as in theory it should do. The 15kHz is grand for LF audio but the Hammond is able to put out high harmonics and these need to be clear so they don't mash up the sound.

Getting the wavetable followed these steps:
1: Record organ on (phone)
2: Input 1 -2 seconds into Reaper
3: Expand Reaper graphic and select one cycle of waveform
4: Copy & paste screenshot into Paint
5: Expand to A4 size (roughly)
6: Print
7: Over print the print with an Excel 255 x 255 grid
8: Type 256 values into an Excel wavetable file
9: Use Excel chart to ensure waveform is smooth, i.e. no discontinuities.
10: Copy wavetable data into sketch
11: Give it a lash

Hammond waveform.JPG

Hammond.ino (6.9 KB)


Just seen an audio sampling sketch for Arduino from the ineffable Amanda:

. . . food for thought, and not a speling mistake in sight.

Well, I re-wrote the code to provide interrupts at 31250 Hz and it did indeed clean up notes above about C7 with a frequency of 2kHz.

However, it highlighted a previously unknown error in the "midiNotes" table, where I missed out a value - pure typo - which threw out all the notes above, coincidentally at C#7, 2217 Hz.

So please find the revised sketch attached, if you really want it.

Hammond_31250Hz.ino (7.99 KB)

Looks like a nice project! A couple of questions/comments please:

  1. Any sound samples you could post?
  2. Can you pls post or link the schematic for the shield? Looks like it is both the midi input circuit and an audio output buffer
  3. Is the device monophonic or polyphonic? If polyphonic, is there a limit to the number of notes one can play at a time?
    Thanks in advance!

Here are a couple of other Hammond and Arduino related projects:


Claudio's page

Haven't used or tested either yet. The second one seems to process data and send it back to a MIDI keyboard and uses a stand alone chip.

The circuit posted is a standard MIDI input. The other chip is a MCP4921 DAC, Digital to Analogue converter and again is in a standard configuration.

The same DAC chip was used in the MIDIVox Shield so any code written for that should work, perhaps with a change to the SS pin, as should the roto sketch above.

A couple of related links:

Healer synth code for the MIDI Vox.

Vox/Farfissa organ for the MIDI Vox shield.

Hope this is useful to someone. :smiley:

Hi Antman,

Here is the circuit diagram for the shield. I'm getting a friend to etch a few boards (I hope!) and you're welcome to one if and when they arrive. It'll take a while to make a PDF of the PCB layout.

I'll make some recordings tomorrow & post a (short) MP3.


Jim (aka Pat-The-Pirate)

Arduino audio shield.pdf (54.4 KB)

Here are a couple of other Hammond and Arduino related projects:


Claudio's page

Haven't used or tested either yet. The second one seems to process data and send it back to a MIDI keyboard and uses a stand alone chip.

The circuit posted is a standard MIDI input. The other chip is a MCP4921 DAC, Digital to Analogue converter and again is in a standard configuration.

The same DAC chip was used in the MIDIVox Shield so any code written for that should work, perhaps with a change to the SS pin, as should the roto sketch above.

A couple of related links:

Healer synth code for the MIDI Vox.

Vox/Farfissa organ for the MIDI Vox shield.

Hope this is useful to someone. :smiley:

Hi Sparx,

I tried both Roto and Healer before Christmas but failed to get either to work. Healer wouldn't compile (leading to suspicions about the IDE and/or the library files) and Roto failed to produce audio, although I could see the SCK pin toggling nicely. I suspect that you actually need a Midi controller to set the drawbars to a non-zero output, otherwise, as with a real Hammond, you get no sound.

However, the authors of both sketches have ceased to respond to requests for help (probably p**d off with my emails), so I decided I'd have to go and learn Arduino and C++ after all.



Here's one that was posted a while back on the Teensy forum.

May or may not be useful for other boards, but it seems to be 8 note polyphonic. Lots of good discussion about the details on that thread...

I see Peter Teichman still has his original Roto for Arduino up on Github. Peter managed to get it to compile (with prodding from me) about 3 months ago, but he did say he had moved on from Arduino a long time ago, because of the various physical limits of the board.

I hooked it up to my Midi piano and although it didn't produce any audio, one could see the on-board LED responding to Midi keypresses.

Having poked around a lot since, I've realised that Roto most likely needs to have the drawbars preset to non-zero levels, because, HA! that's exactly how the Hammond works. (I played one in our local music shop a couple of weeks aog, and recorded the sound for my own sketch).

Unfortunately Peter doesn't give any further explanation about how to run Roto, it being an obsolete project for him, which I can understand: the Teensy version "Roto2" sounds magic, although I'd have thought Roto would sound good on the Arduino, if I could hear it.

Maybe some of you coders can examine Roto, and see if I'm right, that it needs the drawbars to be set?

Here is a polyphonic organ that Sparx has managed to create to run on a UNO from the pjd organ on the Littlebits website, which is designed to run on a Leonardo.

It does need some Littlebits hardware, or as in my case, an audio shield containing the Midi input, a button, a pot and an MCP4921 DAC for the audio output.

It doesn't sound quite like a Hammond, being based on Vox and Farfisa organ sounds, and anyway, one could easily modify the waveshape to be the Hammond of your choice (there are, I think factorial 8, I think, i.e. !8 Hammond sounds you can create)
(!8 is not the Boolean used in Arduino).

It also brings up a lot of non-fatal errors when verified, but works fine here under Midi library 4.2 and IDE 1.8.1

I've attached the project-specific .h files needed; your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get the Midi zipfile from Github.


midiorgandmtV3.ino (8.57 KB)

Farf.h (19.2 KB)

Tables.h (3.27 KB)

Vox.h (18.4 KB)


I'm interested into the Peter Teichman project. I'm trying to load it to one M2560R3 board.
Would like to port it to bascom.

I would like to hear it and use as B3 clone; add improvements etc.

After some weeks of testing how the scan keys pcb communicate with the cpu, I have successfully interfaced with the Hammond XB-2 'manual' 5 octaves keyswitch pcb. Not using Midi, just raw signal from the Asic. I can read the notes and velocity values.

Interesting to see how the key press values are distributed; is not linear as expected but a sort of mangled arrangement... Maybe due to the matrix & diodes.

Working now on Xplained M128A1 board. The idea now is integrate with the Roto or similar project direct connected instead of using midi.