arduino leonardo bootloader

Use un cable diferente, use un puerto USB diferente. Algunas personas reportan problemas al usar puertos USB3. Asegúrese de seleccionar el puerto correcto antes de cargar su croquis.
Estoy usando Google Traductor.

I don't have any problems loading sketches on my Linux box, but I had problems using two Pro Micros on Win 10 Pro. My work around was to momentary short Reset and Gnd on the Micro when the sketch was looking for the upload port. This seemed to work most of the time. I hardly ever use Windows so I may be missing something.

After further testing, I seem to be having problems using USB hubs. Fails uploading sketches when using two different USB hubs on USB2 & USB3 ports. Doesn't fail all of the time. No failures plugging directly into USB ports.

No problems loading to Uno and Uno clones.

Back to Linux for me. :slight_smile: