I2C Synthax - beginner


I've found a great tutorial on:

but I have some questions:
(my questions as comments)

#define DIP_ADDRESS (0x4 << 3 | 0x0) // how should I understand that << and |
Wire.send(0xff & dir);  //  the same question with &
Wire.send(dir >> 8);    //  the same question with >>
//What make that three lines?

and one more question here:

#define REGISTER_CONFIG (6) // has REGISTER_CONFIG a value 6?
Wire.send(REGISTER_CONFIG); // why am I sending 6?

Thanks for Your help!

<<, >>, |, & are plain ordinary C operators. I'd look for a C tutorial if I were you

On the page you linked

To write to a register, send the chip the register address followed by the desired data.

The full code is :


void gpio_dir(int address, int dir) {
  //  Send config register address

  //  Connect to device and send two bytes
  Wire.send(0xff & dir);  //  low byte
  Wire.send(dir >> 8);    //  high byte


You're using a PCA9555, 16bit I/O expander, so by looking at the datasheet pf the chip, you see that

The Configuration registers (registers 6 and 7) configure the directions of the I/O pins. If a bit in this register is
set to 1, the corresponding port pin is enabled as an input with a high-impedance output driver. If a bit in this
register is cleared to 0, the corresponding port pin is enabled as an output.

Register 6 is the configuration for 8 I/O pins, register 7 for the 8 olthers pins.
So, you are sending the number 6 to the chip to tell it that you want to access the register number 6 (REGISTER_CONFIG = 6).

In the code from the page, the variable dir is an integer used to tell which pins will be an input & which ones will be outputs.

Have a look here for the bitwise operators : http://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BitMask

On the page you linked
Register 6 is the configuration for 8 I/O pins, register 7 for the 8 olthers pins.
So, you are sending the number 6 to the chip to tell it that you want to access the register number 6 (REGISTER_CONFIG = 6).

Now I understand...
but have one more question..

I've found a datasheet: HTTP 301 This page has been moved
"... This register is an input-only port. It reflects the incoming logic levels
of the pins,..." (site 6)

if I understand I can not set all 16 pins as output or input?
Is there a I/O I2C chip where I can set all 16 pins how I want?

Thanks for help!