Relay curcuit not switching on

@ MAS 3
I have 2 setups, with 2 different relays.
As of now I took the cord which runs on the relay off, but of course when i was testing it was connected.

3 images are attached:
1 (blue relay) is simpler and connected to a breadboard (soldered)
1 (relay not seen) is the same and connects to the relay in image 3. This does not use a breadboard as i thought i might have had an issue with the soldering (I don't)
1 image of the 2nd relay - gray relay


What I mean the circuit is working is that until the relay (if you look at the gray relay picture i am referring to the point where the wires connect to it in the image), I can control the 5V or 0V making its way there on command.