bootloading mega328 using arduino mega2560 as ISP

i had problems in bootloading and uploading sketches to atmega 328 using mega2560...
searched for guidance but could not finally find a final verdict on that.

in the end i successfully bootloaded and programmed atmega328P using mega 2560

here is what i did.

connections ::
arduino mega2560 :: mega328P
51 :: 17
50 :: 18
52 :: 19
53 :: 1
5V at pin 22, GND 20
1K resistor between pin 1 of mega 328 and gnd

16 MHz crystal at 9 and 10, 02 22pF capacitors between pin 9 & 10 and GND.


  1. upload the ISP sketch to arduino2560, having the following selections in tools tab..
    board : mega2560
    proagrammer: AVRISPmkII
    serial port: as required
    on pressing the upload button sketch will be uploaded
  2. now place a 100uF capacitor between RESET and GND pins on arduino2560 with +ve side at RESET.
    make the followiong selections in tools tab...
    board : mega328 with 16MHz,5V
    programmer : arduino as ISP
    port : same

now click burn bootloader... the boot loader will be burned without any error.


  1. for uploading the sketch keep the settings unchanged as:
    board : mega328 with 16MHz,5V
    programmer : arduino as ISP
    port : same
  2. open sketch i.e blink LED
    connect an LED with resistor at PIN 14 on atmega328 micro controller
    change the LED pin to 8 in the sketch
    goto file tab and select "upload using programmer" option.

the sketch will be uploaded successfully and LED will start blinking.

use the schemetic diagram of arduino UNO for setting the correct corresponding PINS of mega328

Any sketch will be uploaded using the procedure described above :slight_smile:


i had problems in bootloading and uploading sketches to atmega 328 using mega2560...
searched for guidance but could not finally find a final verdict on that.

The information is all online, the problem is in finding the correct sequence of mouse clicks to run it down,

  1. homepage: -->
  2. Learning; -->
  3. scroll to bottom -->
  4. Arduino as ISP Programmer: -->
  5. scroll to bottom --> 10K "pullup" to 5V on pin 1.

Then, for the Mega2560 board, you have to track down the correct SPI pins, as you did .

ap nay bohat karam farmaya hai hamari zat per,.. " ~ 8)

thanks man!!,..