RGB Binary Clock (TLC5940, RGB LEDs)

Hi everyone,

Just a short post to show you the prototype of a binary clock, with seconds, minutes and hours displayed simultaneously with the combinaison of red, green and blue. I am using a TLC5940 with the Arduino library for it, and 6 RGB LEDs.

Next step for this project : add a Real Time Clock module to save the time, and make a nice box and display with ping pong balls as diffusers.

The source code is available on my website, with explanations in French. If you are interested for an english translation, tell me ! http://www.peyregne.info/wp/?p=164


I love how simple that is but it'd take me a while to get used to.
Well done, that's a great clock.

Thanks ! :wink:

In fact, it took me only one day to learn to read the clock, more precisely just to learn how to read the colors, since I already know how to count binary :smiley: