Reading serial data coming from arduino in c++?

You are allocating memory, but not freeing it.

Why not use a static array?

char buf[256];

I am freeing it, just later on in the code (same as when I call the destructor for the Serial class), I haven't pasted my entire code as I felt that that shows the (previously) problematic part.

Is using the static array going to be any different from using malloc? (Apart from having to allocate and free the memory)

For the sake of it, her's the entire main I'm using with the class, guess it would've been easier to just do this from the start (lesson learned).
This code just sends a '1', which turns the LED on pin 13 on and then a '0' which turns the LED off with the arduino replying with LED ON or LED OFF, I think I'm going to move the read and write functions to another class to make it easier to extend and to read and write more than one charater.

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "SerialClass.h"

using namespace std;

void readData();

Serial ard = Serial("COM4");

int main()
	if( ard.IsConnected() == true )
		cout << "Done" << endl;
	} else 
		cout << "Connection failed, exitting";
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	//test arduino connection
	if( ard.WriteData( "1", 1 ) == true )
		cout << "Data sent successfully\n";
	} else 
		cout << "Data not sent";

	ard.WriteData( "0", 1 );


        // Keep the console open to check output.
        // Saves from using a breakpoint

void readData()
        // Check for data coming from arduino
        // If no data is found check 4 more times
	char *buf;
	int length = 256;
	buf = ( char* ) malloc( length );

	int num, i = 0;
	while( i < 5 ){
		num = ard.ReadData( buf, length );
	if( num == -1 )
		cout << "\nNothing to read";
	} else
		cout << "Read: ";
		for( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
			cout << *(buf + i);
		cout << "Num: " << num << endl;
	free( buf );