VarSpeedServo - a modified Servo library with speed control

There might be one, you'd have to check. Here's the test-code I use for this library. It should be fairly simple to extend.

	This little program controls a servo with a potentiometer.
	The button moave the servo from one end to the other, the potentiometer
	sets the speed. 0 = full speed, 1 slowest, 255 fastest.
	When pressing the button, the led is turned on to exercise it a little.
	Every few seconds the current postion of the servos is reported on the
	serial line and whenever the button is pressed.
 The circuit:
	* LED attached from pin 13 to ground: Button led
	* Pushbutton attached to pin 2 from GND
	* Linear Potentiometer attached to analog pin 2 from GND and +5V acting
	  as a voltage splitter. Any value from 10 kOhm to 100 kOhm will work.
	* Servo control line attached to pin 12.
 * Note: on most Arduinos there is already an LED on the board
 attached to pin 13.

#include <VarSpeedServo.h>

const int buttonPin = 2;	// the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin =  13;	// the number of the LED pin
const int potPin =  16;	// the number of the potentiometer pin (Analog 0)
const int mainPin = 12;	// Main servo control line
const int ServoMin = 1000;	// Minimum pulse width for servos in ms.
const int ServoMax = 2000;	// Maximum pulse width for servos in ms.
const int PotiMin = 0;	// Minimum value read from potentiometer
const int PotiMax = 1023;	// Maximum value read from potentiometer
const int ButtonDelay = 100;	// Time in ms to press button to activate tuning mode

VarSpeedServo myServo;	// Servo

void setup() {
	// initialize the LED pin as an output:
	pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      

	// initialize the pot and button pin as an input:
	pinMode(potPin, INPUT);
	pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

	// Activate internal pull up resistor for tuning button
	digitalWrite(buttonPin, HIGH);

	// Initialise Servos
	myServo.attach (mainPin, ServoMin, ServoMax);

	// Initialise Serial communication
	Serial.begin (9600);

void loop() {
	static unsigned long debounce = 0;         // variable for reading the pushbutton status
	static int buttonstate = HIGH;         // variable for reading the pushbutton status
	static unsigned long lasttick;

	// Report position;
	if (millis () - lasttick > 5000) {
		lasttick = millis ();
		Serial.print ("Position=");
		Serial.println (myServo.readMicroseconds());

	// Read button and debounce.
	int buttonnow = digitalRead(buttonPin);
	if (millis() - debounce >= ButtonDelay
		&& buttonnow != buttonstate) {
		buttonstate = buttonnow; 
		debounce = millis();
		switch (buttonstate) {
			case LOW:
				// Button has just been pressed
				digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
				// Set the servos
				int potlast = analogRead (potPin);	// Read potentiometer
				int speed = map (potlast, PotiMin, PotiMax, 1, 256) & 0xff;
				myServo.slowmove ((myServo.readMicroseconds() > ServoMin + 400
					? ServoMin + 100 : ServoMax - 100), speed);
				// Report pot position
				Serial.print ("Speed=");
				Serial.println (speed);

			case HIGH:
				// Button has just been released
				digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
	// Slow down
	// delay (50);
