• moving the current user status to the new system

Sounds good.

  • adding the current messages as a subcategory just to have them searchable

That sounds like a much better way to have it.

  • checking the emoticons and maybe use the current ones (just to please you above all the other 36.999 users Smiley )

Hehe - I see what he means - can't remember what the SMF ones are like atm but perhaps that is a discussion to have on a thread when the new forum turns up.

We could make it so that that table would not be editable but by moderators. Then users could request to move some of those topics to the new boards.

  • letting a bunch of moderators access to a read-only archive to -upon request- move topics of importance to the new boards

Yes - something like that sounds like it could be an acceptable way to go - not sure how 'requests' would be best submitted. Perhaps we can have a 'request' button on the 'archive' forum section.

Any other thoughts?

Private messages? Can they be stored at least or some way of backing them up - I won't have the time to try and back them up individually before a forum switch (and that would be one hell of a copy/paste job).

Maximum dimensions on images (preferably with auto-resize) so we don't get people posting a few thousand px images slowing it all down and making the threads look a mess. Thumbnails for images over ~600px wide is possibly the best way to go here.

This is a lot of work, but if there are 15 volunteers, we could consider it.

Count me in for helping.
