Is my stepper motor wired correctly?

Edit: I Misinterpreted the current gain. It's not expressed for Ib but for Ic. Basically 5mA will do fine on the base, but 22mA is no problem either :slight_smile:

Current gain isn't relevant here, you are using the transistor as a switch so you
want the section of the datasheet showing Vsat against base drive for various
levels of collector current.

gain is for the linear region (collector > emitter voltage + 2V or more)

Vsat (saturation voltage) is what determines the performance as a switch
and you want it as low as practicable to reduce heat-dissipation as you
seem to have discovered. For 800mA load try 60mA drive (ie more than an
Arduino can supply)

Unless you go for a modern super-beta device you'll find base drive is normally
0.1 x collector current for switching transistors.