help with aircore gauge and motorshield

I'm trying to get a single aircore gauge to sweep to a single point and back.
I bought my first arduino and adafruit stepper motor shield expecting thier to be a stepper motor in my car instrument cluster but soon lernt i was wrong.
I'm new to this and would appreciate any information.
Can the motor shield be used to drive the aircore? Either as an aircore or using something like a stepper code?
I know the L293d IC can be used to power the gauge and the motorshield has 2, should I just pull the chip and do it on breadbord?

Any sketches etc would be great.


I've never used an air core, but here is a video of someone's air core and Arduino project that might be helpful. Arduino and Aircore Gauge Success! - YouTube.
According to Wikipedia, there are four kinds of air core gauges. Air core gauge - Wikipedia.

There are four common types of rotary actuators [2]:

Physical gauges, in which the needle is attached directly to the value being measured; for example, a mechanical pressure gauge
Analog volt meters or d'Arsonval movements, which consist of a coil and a permanent magnet
Stepper motors, which move in one-notch increments or steps
Air-core motors, as described below

Do you know which one you have? Also, do you have a datasheet or any specs on the gauge?

My project is only to do a single sweep on one needle on a car cluster like

I've measured the sine and cosine coils at 140ohms each I just need to know how to drive them with the arduino and motorshield I bought.
The other option to me is to power the cluster just like the ecu and speedo would but this is all sent via k-line and CAN, even more difficult for me.

Cheers so far