Laser Height Difference Sensor

Dear All, I searched all the forum but couldn't find any "laser" sensor for calculating the difference of height from a reference point.

Is there any "laser" receiver component which shows the +,- difference values from a predefined reference point?

Are you describing a laser receiver as would be used by a land surveyor? Laser targets of that type are only ~5cm high and don't have much granularity; I'm assuming that they have a row of individual sensors.

Thanks for the reply Chagrin. Well, yes. I want to know that if there is a laser receiver component for land surveying, for measuring the level differences and so on..

5 cm is really small, it's not enough..

5 cm is really small, it's not enough..

what resolution do you need?

You could use one sensor and move it up/down with very little steps and search for the maximum signal.

you get values e.g. like

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 33 55 55 55 40 5 2 1 1 1

Then you can calculate that the max signal is probably a bit right of the middle 55.