Newbie needs assistance

The only other thing is I'm getting errors because of duplicate uses. Is there an easy way around that without having lists of defines and so on longer than the operating code?

What do you mean by defines? My code didn't have a single one, so I don't see where "lists of defines" comes from.

Nick what did you mean about the state 50 and so on?

If you have 50 states the next state doesn't have to be the 51st. one. States can loop.

For example, if your daily routine is:

    1. Wake up
    1. Get out of bed
    1. Have breakfast
    1. Go to work
    1. Have dinner
    1. Go to bed
    1. Go to state 1.

The 7th state in my example "goes backwards" (loops) so next day you do the same thing.