Servo Speed Control

Heureka! (As once an old greek said)
So it works now. Thanks for helping mem, Aniss1001 and AWOL.

I took the pot. that was originaly mounted inside the servo for positioning outside and ran a program that set the servo to a 90° angle. This way i could easily find the value where the servo stopped with the ex-servo-potentiometer ( half the resistance of the full pot. value ). So i set it to that value and sent the arduino servo.write() commands of 91°, 92°,... and so on. That way i found out that there are (at least concerning the servo i used) 13° around 90° where the servo´s speed is throttled.
I added a Potentiometer on an Analog input and divided its value to 30 steps. Two of these (in the middle position of the pot., two to make it a broader stop position) are used to stop the servo, by sending a 90° request. The other 14 steps on each sides send position signals to the servo which increase the servos speed when the pot.´s offset is increased, refering to the middle position. This way you can control speed and direction directly with one potentiometer.

This is my code:

// Controlling a Continuous Rotation Modded Servo´s Speed and Direction with a Potentiometer
// by non-existence 

#include <Servo.h> 
Servo myservo1;  

int potpin1 = 0;  // defines pin used for the potentiometer
int pot1val;    

void setup() 
  myservo1.attach(6);  // defines pin used for the servo 

void loop()
  pot1val = analogRead(potpin1);
  pot1val = map(pot1val, 0, 1023, 0, 29);

//Speed Steps for myservo1

  if(pot1val == 0)
  else if(pot1val == 1)
  else if(pot1val == 2)
  else if(pot1val == 3)
  else if(pot1val == 4)
  else if(pot1val == 5)
 else if(pot1val == 6)
  else if(pot1val == 7)
  else if(pot1val == 8)
  else if(pot1val == 9)
  else if(pot1val == 10)
  else if(pot1val == 11)
  else if(pot1val == 12)
  else if(pot1val == 13)
  else if(pot1val == 14)
  else if(pot1val == 15)
  else if(pot1val == 16)
  else if(pot1val == 17)
  else if(pot1val == 18)
  else if(pot1val == 19)
 else if(pot1val == 20)
  else if(pot1val == 21)
  else if(pot1val == 22)
  else if(pot1val == 23)
  else if(pot1val == 24)
  else if(pot1val == 25)
  else if(pot1val == 26)
  else if(pot1val == 27)
  else if(pot1val == 28)
  else if(pot1val == 29)

Its a bit stretched but so its better readable for human eyes :wink:

I'm planning to use this for a remote camera head on a camera crane.