Why can't i visit my arduino's IP address?? It is

Hey everyone I've just started on my arduino Ethernet shield and I have set it up already but when I tried the WebServer example, it would show that it is successful but when I try to visit my IP address, it wont show anything. My browser just says "Webpage Not Available". Please help. By the way, my browser is IE and I'm using the arduino Ethernet Shield rev2.

Have you configured the ethernet shield to act as a server?

Have you verified that it has connectivity?

goto local area setting-> choose port being connected to arduino shield -> right click check properties->
take snap shot of page send us screen shot here. Also try to post your code or link from where you downloaded the program.

i have attached image for reference.

use this mac adress. 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED

example my computer ip adress

u use ıp adress +3, -3 = or

and u can look all ip adress Advanced IP Scanner program.

byte mac[] = {
  0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 177);

Have you configured the ethernet shield to act as a server?

Have you verified that it has connectivity?

yes sir I already had

goto local area setting-> choose port being connected to arduino shield -> right click check properties->
take snap shot of page send us screen shot here. Also try to post your code or link from where you downloaded the program.

i have attached image for reference.

by the way, I am using windows 7
and how do I attach

According to the pic you attached, your ethernet IP should be something like (or 192.168.1.x).

@surferTim thats reason i am telling to post his IP address , so that manually config ip address.

check this link . you need to config your arduino Ip address with network ip of pc