STM32, Maple and Maple mini port to IDE 1.5.x

Note: Please make reference to:

For a summarized version of pertinent information contained in this lengthly
thread. Also, some simple Mini Maple projects with source may be found on
my blog:

I just completed a 90-day play with the PSoC $4 32-bit ARM prototype boards running at 48MHz with 32K EEPROM and 4K SRAM.

My initial observations and my final feelings are posted here (also the projects are on this site):

But in general, the ARM 32-bit is just another processor. In most of the projects that I cloned from the Arduino world, the 8-bit Arduino worked equally as well as the 32-bit ARM. The Cypress PSoC has some great hardware features such as OpAmps, Configurable digital blocks, and way cool PWM. But, the downside is the community... small communities mean more work for me (you) as you must research, implement, write, lots of support software.

Personally, except for specific things such as FFT or native 32-bit algorithms, I think the Arduino 8-bit and Due 32-bit environments are more productive. Although the GUI is a sad excuse when compared to what professional tools can provide.

In my case, it comes down to fun. I learned a lots with the 32-bit ARM but I also used a lots of 4-letter words from my old Air Force days.

Here is the last sentence of my blog:

Hurry-up and wait in the Arduino translated to hurry-up and wait longer in the PSoC.
