Arduino PCB

I just woke up and remembering what i was dreaming about and here it is :smiley:

Would be possible to make Arduino plugin that is kinda like Project Board, except it's programmable and allows you to by simply drawing PCB (like program PCB Design) - you have a fully functional PCB ready to accept components.
I don't know if this was clear enough :smiley:

No, not clear enough yet. Please expand your thought.

sounds like the sort of project that needs good video output and mouse / tablet input,
and some way of drawing the pcb, like 3d printing,

might be a little out side the capability of the arduino, more PC power ,

yea, you are right, i was too rash :smiley: ... But here's an idea, maybe someone will figure out even better thing, i don't know, but it sounds pretty awesome to me :smiley:

Check out Upverter.