RFID and LEDs - Help with code?

What I'm trying to achieve is when the RGB LED turns one colour (e.g. red) you swipe the tag and it turns the LED off. I want this to happen with another colour (blue) and the other tag also.

could you explain more what does that suppose to mean?

ash901226 - What I mean is that I would like there to be two colours that will come on randomly that will notify the user to put the RFID tag on the reader. For example, I want a red LED to come on through the piranha and when the LED comes on, you place the RFID tag on and then it turns the LED off.

I want this to happen with another colour through the piranha LED and another RFID tag also. So there is 2 different coloured LEDS and 2 RIFD tags.

Sorry if it is a bit confusing.

Start by saving the RFID strings in to a char array, rather than writing them to the Serial monitor. You'll need a char array big enough to hold the IDs plus 1 for the null terminator, an index variable that keeps track of where you are in the array, and someway to determine when you've received the last char.

Thanks Arrch for the reply. How would I go about doing this, if you don't mind talking more in-depth about this?
