Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming

I have been able to force this behaviour and found what I think was the problem. Pushed a fix for this. See Improving CC1101 device driver robustness; flush receive fifo. · mikaelpatel/Cosa@19b2f9e · GitHub. Basically the receive fifo could contain incomplete messages as the interrupt is only generate for complete messages (correct address, length, crc). I had assumed that this was done automatically and illegal frames discharged.

Thanks Kowalski. I finally got around to testing your latest commits and agree that the CC1101 transceivers appear to be much more reliable now. Nice work!

I don't believe that the CC1101 has hardware message ACK and retransmission like the NRF24. Do you have any plans to implement these features in the CC1101 driver? If not, I may pursue it in my own applications.

Also, the CC1101 has an "Integrated Analog Temperature Sensor" and was wondering if you have any plans to make that component available/accessible in the CC1101 driver?

I'm anxious for some cheap and readily available CC1200 boards to start popping up on ebay.

Thanks again and keep up the great work!