Build a FREE development system for your Arduino development needs

Hello, my name is Fred. I am American from Oregon. I have been unemployed and don't have much money for playing with Arduino learning development. I was able to purchase a OSEPP Arduino UNO R3+ model to learn about arduino from Fry's Electronics here in Oregon. Can I share with you my setup that you can duplicate for free in India for your needs?
I am looking for interested person in India to duplicate what I have tested to work. We can edit and modify instructions to create a document that another person could follow step by step. So ask detailed questions and provide detailed responses, please. I can not see what you see in front of you, so write down the details.

My main desktop computer is a Lucid 5.2.8 Puppy Linux computer 32 bit x86 with 640 Megabytes of DRAM and a partioned Hard Disk drive with about a 16 Gigabyte partition for the root linux install. I believe the 256 Megabytes of DRAM and 1-5 Gigabyte partition for Puppy Linux and a >500Mhz CPU (AMD or Intel) would work well for you. Find an older computer that someone is thowing away or giving away and recycle it by installing Puppy Linux. or Slacko Linux 5.5 or

Slacko version is now at 5.7 very polished version of Slackware PuppyLinux August 10, 2014

Our TODO List of general steps.

  • Install Puppy or Slacko Linux either to Hard Disk or boot CD or boot from USB
  • Install JAVA from Oracle website to running Linux
  • Install Arduino development software 1.0.5 or 1.5
  • Install command line Makefile for Arduino

0.9) Here is the google search of the Puppy Linux Forums for answers

1.) My notes to install a Linux to a USB Flash drive under windows. 4 Gui tools for USB Installer. July 15, 2013 entry
Use the notes from to burn a CD if you wish to proceed with that method. That is how I started to use Puppy Linux. You may wish to perform a frugal install on a working Windows XP or WIN Vista or WIN7. Select a method that makes sense to your needs and equipment on hand. Hard disk install in a partition, Live CD boot, Live USB boot, present running windows with a FRUGAL install.

2.) Java 7u25 (as of date July 15, 2013) Now Java 7u67 (as of date August 10, 2014 Select A or B.

  • A.) Download the "Musher0" shell script to a directory and execute the shell script toInstall Java
    Use Musher0 Script, Download the file to puppy linux to /root/my-applications/bin directory make sure it is an executable script. ( chmod 755 )
    Run/Execute the script This "Musher0" shell script will do everything from downloading java tar gzip file JRE, to installing the file in a proper directory. Finally adding to the $PATH environment the java binary execution directory. Musher0 Shell script

  • B.) just follow the instructions for a Linux manual installation from the Oracle website. English Linux Install
JavaSE Upgrade Download the Linux x86 46.04 MB version jre-7u25-linux-i586.tar.gz save to directory /opt
Newer Java7 Version August 10, 2014 Java7u67 Oracle Java7u67 Linux 32bit download 46.1 Megabytes

Java JRE 1.7u25, 1.6u45 - Page 3 - (old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum See my WB7ODYFred manual install details if you get lost. But do use the Musher0 shell script file above as your first attempt at Java Installation. If that fails then do follow the manual Java Linux install instructions

When downloading the files:
***save the musher0 script file to /root/my-applications/bin
***save the jre and arduino]files to /opt (you can save them anywhere, but you will be directed to move them to these locations.)

3.) Install Arduino package Reference Material for Installing Arduino onto Puppy Linux
How to get the Arduino program up and running to program mcs - (old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum
Arduino Playground - Puppy Puppy Linux install on Arduino.CC website
Download LInux 32 bit software 1.0.5 version as of July 15, 2013 If you install a 64 bit Puppy Linux then get the 64 bit Arduino version
Use the Xarchive program on the Linux Arduino tar gzip file to Select All then Extract All to the /opt directory.
Now follow the instructions for making a desktop application file to start Arduino under Puppy Linux.

Congratulations you should have a working Arduino development system under Puppy Linux OS. This is all free except for your time involved in setting it up and reading the documentation.

If you would like Puppy Linux menus to work in the Hindi Language, you can add a Hindi Language Localization set of files. Search the Puppy Linux forums for "Language Localization" or "Hindi".
How to use a Hindi Keyboard in PuppyLinux - (old)Puppy Linux Discussion Forum
Hindi Keyboard in Puppy Linux.

Lets test the above steps and make corrections to this document. I will test this again, myself with a new Puppy Linux system based from Precise 5.6 or Slacko 5.5. You can have a working computer using Puppy Linux, with out the Arduino software for what every use you can dream up.

ps. Edited August 10, 2014 From a running Windows computer, Use LinuxLiveUSB or Rufus to install Slacko 5.7 onto a USB Flash drive greater than 512Mbytes in size. So glad to see that someone in India used these instructions to create a working Arduino development environment. Thank you. Makes me happy to share. Please try using a USB Flash Drive Slacko 5.7 installation to share with your friends.
LinuxLiveUSB Windows program to download and install many Linux Distrobutions onto a USB Flash Drive
RUFUS WIndows program to install .ISO Image file onto a USB Flash Drive

Thanks for taking the time to set this up. I'm very new to linux, and even newer to puppy. I followed your instructions using slacko 5.5 and it worked.

Your breakdown of steps was perfect, but to clarify for any other novices:

In step 2, there is no need to download jre before setting up the Musher0 script. Just download the script from the provided link, then run chmod as directed in the original directions.

The only other clarification:

When downloading the files:
***save the musher0 script to /root/my-applications/bin
***save the jre and arduino files to /opt (you can save them anywhere, but you will be directed to move them to these locations.)

Thanks again!

Why 1.0.3 vs 1.0.5?