multiple commands in an integer

I am attempting to create a simple program with integers a-h, each of which simply set a pin to HIGH, then to LOW after 500 ms.

how do I do this? is it even possible?

when I tried it this is what i did:

 int a;

void loop(){
a = digitalWrite (0, HIGH);
       delay (500);
       digitalWrite (0, LOW);

it then told me "void value not ignored s it ought to be" what does that mean?

Am I just completely wrong?

integers a-h

I could be mistaken but I believe those are letters of the alphabet.

I suspect you'll get more help if you provide more details.

Yes, a = digitalWrite (0, HIGH); is a bogus statement. You can't assign a digitalWrite command to an int.

If you post your complete sketch we can at least see what you are trying to do.

You can't assign a digitalWrite command to an int.

To be pedantic, you can't assign the return value from the digitalWrite function to an int, because the digitalWrite function does not return a value.

That's what the compiler was trying to tell you.

Did you perhaps mean
digitalWrite (0, a);?
(though writing anything to part of the serial interface is inadvisable)

I am attempting to create a simple program with integers a-h, each of which simply set a pin to HIGH, then to LOW after 500 ms.

For this you can use functions not integers, in the code below I have defined the function Pulse() that gets a pinnumber as parameter, so it can be used for different pins.
(code not tested)

void loop()
  for (int i=0; i< 5; i++) Pulse (i);
  for (int i=5; i> 0; i--) Pulse (i);
  // etc;

void Pulse(byte pinNr)
  digitalWrite (pinNr, HIGH);
  delay (500);
  digitalWrite (pinNr, LOW); 

PLease take some time to check the examples on -