Controlling Remote Controlled Sockets (SC2262 emulation by Arduino)

CaptainIffy, thanks! this is very close to what i am working on.

I do not have a "DSO Nano V2" oscilloscope, but i do have a 4333 MHz receiver for the arduino uno, and i was hoping to use that to decode the signal the remote transmits.

I understand it should be possible, but i was trying to determine what rate i should read from the transmitter. I see that you found that using from the 3.3MOhm resistor value.

// SC2262 internal clock is run at 10KHz for "smj" transmitter device (3.3MOhm timing resistor), therefore 100 microSecond wavelength

My SC2262 has a 1MOhm resistor value, i was unsure how you calculated the wavelength from that. Could you please explain that?