Example sketch for serial communication with jrk21v3 motor controller

This is a perfect example for this and it works perfectly. Thank you. A couple things to add that I messed up (as I'm new to this) that maybe could help others:

  1. Make sure you set the SoftwareSerial TX and Rx values correct. Triple check. On the Uno the TX pin number is greater than the RX pin number, but on Megas the TX pin number is less than RX. Rookie mistake, but I overlooked this at first when I was just switching out pin numbers for what was on my board.
  2. The TX pin should go the RX pin on the motor controller, and the RX pin should attach to the TX pin.
  3. Make sure the Serial Interface in the JRK configuration utility is set to UART with a fixed baud rate that matches what is in your sketch.

I banged my head on the wall for 30minutes having messed each of these up. Thanks again to solhelpr.