Vala, MonoDevelop and GTK+ Development

Hello, everybody :slight_smile:

I've spent the last week discovering and playing with C#.
Being a mediocre C programmer, it didn't took me long to write my first few programs with a nice GUI.
I'm using MonoDevelop (IDE) and GTK# (for the GUI).
I'm quite concerned about the license I will have to release my future projects with: commercial uses of Mono are forbidden, while I'd love to adopt a "do whatever you want with the code, just mention me somewhere and share alike" policy.
So, I've ran into Vala.
Vala looks great: it's similar to C# and it seems very compatible with GTK+.
The only problem is that I'm awfully lazy.
It took me five years to stop using Python for everything and start coding in C.
Now that I've discovered MonoDevelop and I'm able to design a GUI in ten minutes, I want to do the same thing with Vala.
I've downloaded the monodevelop-vala plugin, but it doesn't support GTK+ GUI development and "automatic" signal management.
Also, there's no autocompletion and that makes me sad :frowning:
I know there's Glade (I've used it with Python), but I really don't feel like writing code for each signal, when the IDE could do that for me.
So, the big question: is there any good MonoDevelop plugin for Vala? (with autocompletion and fast GUI development)
If not, is there a nice IDE with the same features?
I can't be the only lazy coder here :slight_smile:

Thank you for reading my rambling,
have a great day :smiley:

commercial uses of Mono are forbidden

Says who?? Redirecting…
According to my reading, you can use Mono commercially as long as you can meet the obligations of the various open source licenses (mostly, being able to re-combine the proprietary pieces with new versions of the open-source pieces.)
OR you get get a commercial Mono license (although I can't find that in the "store" any more...)