BASIC-like Interpreter for Arduino

We had to do FORTRAN programming freshman year in college on punch cards, mostly for the experience of it.
Would get back what seemed like totally unintelligible error messages back.
Don't recall if girlfriend (now wife) had to do the same a couple years later, of if they had moved on by then. If they did, I would have helped her with it.
Didn't see it again until FORTRAN-77 running on military program computers when I started work in 1985.

I agree with Nick tho - if you make it too simple it becomes to hard to do complicated stuff. We have Lego Mindstorm computers for the kids, I always found the drag & drop programming difficult to understand vs just typing out what I wanted it to do.
Think that's part of the reason I never liked Apple/Mac's either - too used to having control under DOS and being able to do what I wanted. That and they bombed out with the little bomb icon and no chance to recover.