Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering

Hi Lauszus,
I make a little customisation of your source for digital IMUs so it can work with Minimu-9 board , hope you don't mind.But there is something wrong here is what i get:

....(the board is on the ground and i don't touch it the whole time)
X: 180.00	Y: 180.01	
X: 180.05	Y: 180.06	
X: 180.22	Y: 180.14	
X: 180.51	Y: 180.16	
X: 180.82	Y: 180.11	
X: 181.07	Y: 180.04	
X: 181.42	Y: 179.92	
X: 181.79	Y: 179.80	
X: 182.22	Y: 179.65	
X: 182.72	Y: 179.46	
X: 183.23	Y: 179.28	
X: 183.85	Y: 179.08	
X: 184.54	Y: 178.80	
X: 185.26	Y: 178.48	
X: 185.99	Y: 178.02	
X: 186.60	Y: 177.45	
X: 187.54	Y: 176.95	
X: 188.54	Y: 176.43	
X: 189.64	Y: 175.72	
X: 190.82	Y: 175.03	
X: 192.13	Y: 174.37	
X: 280.48	Y: 86.86	
X: 280.43	Y: 86.66	
X: 280.32	Y: 86.91	
X: 280.19	Y: 87.02	
X: 280.09	Y: 87.10	
X: 279.97	Y: 87.32	
X: 279.81	Y: 87.84	
X: 279.71	Y: 87.88	
X: 279.60	Y: 88.26	
X: 279.51	Y: 88.09	
X: 279.38	Y: 88.20	
X: 279.27	Y: 88.09	
X: 279.10	Y: 88.24	
X: 278.96	Y: 88.26	
X: 278.80	Y: 88.56	
...(finally the X stopped growing and the Y stopped getting lower)
X: 278.61	Y: 89.11	
X: 278.44	Y: 89.23	
X: 278.29	Y: 89.41	
X: 278.25	Y: 88.81	
X: 278.07	Y: 89.24	
X: 277.85	Y: 89.62	
X: 277.68	Y: 89.88	
X: 277.53	Y: 90.03	
X: 277.36	Y: 90.22	
X: 277.24	Y: 90.48	
X: 277.12	Y: 90.17	
X: 276.99	Y: 90.08	
X: 276.90	Y: 89.87	
X: 276.76	Y: 89.84	
X: 276.61	Y: 89.97	
X: 276.44	Y: 90.35	
X: 276.26	Y: 90.62	
X: 276.12	Y: 90.84	
X: 276.02	Y: 90.76	
X: 275.78	Y: 91.38	
X: 275.67	Y: 91.39	
X: 275.47	Y: 91.74	
X: 275.32	Y: 91.92	
X: 275.16	Y: 92.18	
X: 275.07	Y: 92.02	
X: 274.95	Y: 92.17	
X: 274.83	Y: 92.30	
X: 274.68	Y: 92.31	
X: 274.52	Y: 92.53	
X: 274.43	Y: 92.53	
X: 274.27	Y: 92.90	
X: 274.18	Y: 92.90	
X: 274.03	Y: 92.95
..(and all over again)

and here is my source

 #include <Wire.h>
#include <L3G.h>
#include <LSM303.h>

L3G gyro;
LSM303 compass;
double zeroValue[5] = {-200, 44, 660, -18.5, 52.3}; // Found by experimenting

/* All the angles start at 180 degrees */
double gyroXangle = 180;
double gyroYangle = 180;

double compAngleX = 180;
double compAngleY = 180;

unsigned long timer;
/* Kalman filter variables and constants */
const double Q_angleX = 0.001; // Process noise covariance for the accelerometer - Sw
const double Q_gyroX = 0.003; // Process noise covariance for the gyro - Sw
const double R_angleX = 0.03; // Measurement noise covariance - Sv

double angleX = 180; // The angle output from the Kalman filter
double biasX = 0; // The gyro bias calculated by the Kalman filter
double PX_00 = 0, PX_01 = 0, PX_10 = 0, PX_11 = 0;
double dtX, yX, SX;
double KX_0, KX_1;

double kalmanX(double newAngle, double newRate, double dtime) {
  // KasBot V2 - Kalman filter module -
  // See also
  // with slightly modifications by Kristian Lauszus
  // See and
  // for more information
  dtX = dtime / 1000000; // Convert from microseconds to seconds

  // Discrete Kalman filter time update equations - Time Update ("Predict")
  // Update xhat - Project the state ahead
  angleX += dtX * (newRate - biasX);

  // Update estimation error covariance - Project the error covariance ahead
  PX_00 += -dtX * (PX_10 + PX_01) + Q_angleX * dtX;
  PX_01 += -dtX * PX_11;
  PX_10 += -dtX * PX_11;
  PX_11 += +Q_gyroX * dtX;

  // Discrete Kalman filter measurement update equations - Measurement Update ("Correct")
  // Calculate Kalman gain - Compute the Kalman gain
  SX = PX_00 + R_angleX;
  KX_0 = PX_00 / SX;
  KX_1 = PX_10 / SX;

  // Calculate angle and resting rate - Update estimate with measurement zk
  yX = newAngle - angleX;
  angleX += KX_0 * yX;
  biasX += KX_1 * yX;

  // Calculate estimation error covariance - Update the error covariance
  PX_00 -= KX_0 * PX_00;
  PX_01 -= KX_0 * PX_01;
  PX_10 -= KX_1 * PX_00;
  PX_11 -= KX_1 * PX_01;

  return angleX;
/* Kalman filter variables and constants */
const double Q_angleY = 0.001; // Process noise covariance for the accelerometer - Sw
const double Q_gyroY = 0.003; // Process noise covariance for the gyro - Sw
const double R_angleY = 0.03; // Measurement noise covariance - Sv

double angleY = 180; // The angle output from the Kalman filter
double biasY = 0; // The gyro bias calculated by the Kalman filter
double PY_00 = 0, PY_01 = 0, PY_10 = 0, PY_11 = 0;
double dtY, yY, SY;
double KY_0, KY_1;

double kalmanY(double newAngle, double newRate, double dtime) {
  // KasBot V2 - Kalman filter module -
  // See also
  // with slightly modifications by Kristian Lauszus
  // See and
  // for more information
  dtY = dtime / 1000000; // Convert from microseconds to seconds

  // Discrete Kalman filter time update equations - Time Update ("Predict")
  // Update xhat - Project the state ahead
  angleY += dtY * (newRate - biasY);

  // Update estimation error covariance - Project the error covariance ahead
  PY_00 += -dtY * (PY_10 + PY_01) + Q_angleY * dtY;
  PY_01 += -dtY * PY_11;
  PY_10 += -dtY * PY_11;
  PY_11 += +Q_gyroY * dtY;

  // Discrete Kalman filter measurement update equations - Measurement Update ("Correct")
  // Calculate Kalman gain - Compute the Kalman gain
  SY = PY_00 + R_angleY;
  KY_0 = PY_00 / SY;
  KY_1 = PY_10 / SY;

  // Calculate angle and resting rate - Update estimate with measurement zk
  yY = newAngle - angleY;
  angleY += KY_0 * yY;
  biasY += KY_1 * yY;

  // Calculate estimation error covariance - Update the error covariance
  PY_00 -= KY_0 * PY_00;
  PY_01 -= KY_0 * PY_01;
  PY_10 -= KY_1 * PY_00;
  PY_11 -= KY_1 * PY_01;

  return angleY;
int readGyroX(void) {
  int data;
  data =gyro.g.x;

  return data;
int readGyroY(void) {
  int data;
  data = gyro.g.y;

  return data;
double getXangle() {
  double accXval = (double)readAccX()-zeroValue[0];
  double accZval = (double)readAccZ()-zeroValue[2];
  double angle = (atan2(accXval,accZval)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG;
  return angle;
double getYangle() {
  double accYval = (double)readAccY()-zeroValue[1];
  double accZval = (double)readAccZ()-zeroValue[2];
  double angle = (atan2(accYval,accZval)+PI)*RAD_TO_DEG;
  return angle;
int readAccX(void) {
  int data;
  data = compass.a.x;
  return data;
int readAccY(void) {
  int data;
  data = compass.a.y;
  return data;
int readAccZ(void) {
  int data;
  data =compass.a.z;
  return data;


void setup() {
  if (!gyro.init())
    Serial.println("Failed to autodetect gyro type!");
    while (1);

    timer = micros();

void loop() {;;
  double gyroXrate = (((double)readGyroX()-zeroValue[3])/14.375);
  gyroXangle += gyroXrate*((double)(micros()-timer)/1000000); // Without any filter
  double gyroYrate = -(((double)readGyroY()-zeroValue[4])/14.375);
  gyroYangle += gyroYrate*((double)(micros()-timer)/1000000); // Without any filter
  double accXangle = getXangle();
  double accYangle = getYangle();

  compAngleX = (0.93*(compAngleX+(gyroXrate*(double)(micros()-timer)/1000000)))+(0.07*accXangle);
  compAngleY = (0.93*(compAngleY+(gyroYrate*(double)(micros()-timer)/1000000)))+(0.07*accYangle);
  double xAngle = kalmanX(accXangle, gyroXrate, (double)(micros() - timer)); // calculate the angle using a Kalman filter
  double yAngle = kalmanY(accYangle, gyroYrate, (double)(micros() - timer)); // calculate the angle using a Kalman filter
  timer = micros();

  Serial.print("X: ");Serial.print(xAngle);Serial.print("\t");
  Serial.print("Y: ");Serial.print(yAngle);Serial.print("\t");


Could you please take a look of my source and tell me what I am doing wrong.I want to thank you in advance for your time.