New to programming. Help with millis()

I am using a photoelectric sensor to measure the distance between two objects that it passes by. The sensor is going by the objects at a constant speed, so I am trying to determine the time between the objects by using millis(). I can then find the distance from the time and speed data. I am having problems when the millis gets to around 10,000 my board begins to slow and starts to freeze up. How do I fix this problem? I am very new to programming so any help is appreciated! My program is attached.


counting_plants.ino (318 Bytes)

I'd love to help, but I can't see your code.
Please post it, between code tags.

Sorry. Here is my code.

int inputPin = 2; //digital 2
int counter = 0;
int state;
int laststate = HIGH;
unsigned long time;

void setup(){
  pinMode(inputPin, INPUT);

void loop()
  int state = digitalRead(inputPin);
  if ( state != laststate) 
     laststate = state;
     time = millis();
  //prints time since program started

And what is connected to pin 2?
Aren't you more interested in the differences of time, rather than absolute times?

This sketch is not what you want, but it should give you some ideas:

unsigned long currentMillis;
unsigned long pin13Millis;
unsigned long StartMillis;
unsigned long time;

boolean timingMode = false;  //Used to enable/disable parts of the sketch

const byte startSwitch = 2; //pushed = LOW
const byte stopSwitch  = 3; //pushed = LOW


void setup()

  pinMode(startSwitch, INPUT_PULLUP); //pushed = LOW
  pinMode(stopSwitch,  INPUT_PULLUP); //pushed = LOW

} //  >>>>>>>>>>>>>> E N D  O F  s e t u p ( ) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

void loop()
  //Leave this at te top of the sketch
  currentMillis = millis();

  if(timingMode == false && digitalRead(startSwitch) == LOW)
    StartMillis = millis();
    timingMode = true;
  if(timingMode == true && digitalRead(stopSwitch) == LOW)
    time = millis() - StartMillis;
    Serial.print("Time from Start to Stop = ");
    timingMode = false;

  //Some code to check for blocking
  //toggle pin 13 every 200mS
  //has 200ms or more gone by?
  if (currentMillis - pin13Millis >= 200UL)
    //code here runs every 200ms
    //get ready for next iteration
    pin13Millis = pin13Millis + 200UL;
    //toggle pin 13

  //put other non-blocking stuff here

} //  >>>>>>>>>>>>>> E N D  O F  l o o p ( ) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The photoelctric sensor is connected to pin 2. Yeah I am more interested in differences than time rather than absolute time. Is there a different way to do that?

The photoelctric sensor is connected to pin 2. Yeah I am more interested in differences than time rather than absolute time. Is there a different way to do that?

Pretty simple, really. Subtract one time from another. That's really it.