Connect to linvor

the devices seem to be connecting. From any other device, such as my phone, I am seeing linvor as a device but If i try to connect I cannot. My opinion that somehow I must open the port, and my question is how to do it? From my pc, from arduino code, from my android code, where?

And how can I leave it open because I want it to be able to work without having to do it again and again.

The device is an HC-06.

All you need to is ensure it is correctly wired, Rx to Tx and Tx to Rx, and you should be cooking with gas.

There is no "seems" to be connecting. It either is or it isn't, and when it does the flashing LED is much slower than the fast idle signal. You will probably need to trawl for the port in Putty, which I guess is much the same as RealTerm. Try COM 40. You don't do anything at the Arduino end, except disconnect the USB cable, you just send the same information exactly as you would send it to the serial monitor. You can read the bluetooth on your laptop at the same time as you read the screen on the desktop, but not both on the same machine.

I hear BlueTerm is the way to go with Android but I have never succeeded with it, although Android can see the Linvor.

There nothing to do with leaving it open, the bluetooth is running as long as Arduino is running, and you just listen in as you need.