Timer2 Interrups REFUSE to work! :(

Can't read those files, despite having Eagle, wrong version - if you export as image then its much more friendly to us (not everyone uses Eagle). In general it helps to present all the relevant information (provide links, photos, etc)

Looking at the bigTime thing on sparkfun it seems all confused (comments about not using delay / delayMicroseconds, yet it does use them. It seems to be using a non-standard fuse option on the ATmega, namely the internal RC oscillator (allowing TOSC1/2 to be used as timer clock). Is your microcontroller suitable programmed with the right fuse options? Note if using the internal oscillator you may have to use an ICMP programmer to upload sketches (I may be a bit rusty about this).

The quality control on sparkfun site is not the best I've seen BTW, so I wouldn't trust the online files to necessarily be up-to-date or even self-consistent (if not tell them so they notice and fix it for others).

Other comments on the sparkfun page imply a standard Arduino Mini 8MHz can be used, which obviously is not the case as the crystal is hard-wired on that board yet the sparkfun schematic shows a 32,768Hz xtal, not an 8MHz one.