Building a CAN API for Arduino DUE

Hola Lufe.

Your CAN experience will surely be very useful. As I mentioned in my first CAN post, my humble role is to channel the efforts to let the CAN API be completed. So far, I must say, it has been more a behind-the-forum work between Arduino, Atmel and me. Tests are in progress; the CAN library is working using the IDE directly (no makefile) and we are close.

From all of this, we have learned a big lesson: DO NOT (I repeat) DO NOT try to build something from Atmel Studio ASF and introduce it into Arduino. Both software architectures are entirely different and it shall be a pain to remove unneeded references. This experience is helping us to understand better how to create a Due library. The updated libsam will be solid ground for future developments for Due. Saludos!

Some good news some bad news, good to hear but can you explain the part from "Not trying to port Atmel Studio ASF to Arduino Software architecture a little bit more for me for better understanding.