PDF of book that comes with the Arduino starter kit

The most obvious one is on page 30, where Ohms law is misused. They totally neglect the voltage-drop over the LED, which at this voltage levels is a big error. The calculations are thus wrong, and the conclusions in error.

The text also uses non-standard terminology, such as "the amperage used by the LED", which is at best strange and at worst wrong. All through Project 01 the concepts of voltage, current, power and energy are mixed up. The definitions of current and voltage on page 21 are wrong. The explanation of a resistor on page 25 and how it affects the light from a LED is wrong.

In addition there are lots of smaller things, such as that sensors convert energy into electrical energy, which very few of the sensors we use today actually does. And that a piezo element vibrates when it "receives electricity", which sounds like an explanation from the 18th century.

There are also a number of strange definitions in the Glossary.

I was sad to read about how the Arduino project book is riddled with errors. I recently got the complete kit and I'm now afraid to read it knowing there's errors. Would anyone happen to have any other book recommendations for the complete newb to all things arduino and programming?

I should mention that my interests lie specifically in dynamic LED lighting.