Problems with Wire.requestFrom (Arduiono Uno v1.0.3)

There are no links to datasheets for these items as these devices are custom and company
confidential information.

Can someone send me a link to the Wire commands in v1.0.3?

If I could ask the same question in an easier way, it might go like this:

The problem seems to be when I try to write to I2C address 44h with the following code
which shuts the power off to the device that i am attempting to communicate or get a
status if whether it is connected or not and the data returned from Wire.endTransmission()
(and all the code from that point to the end of my loop closing bracket) is ignored...

Is there some sort of error handling going on behind the scenes that is causing a break
statement (of sorts) in my loop?

I need more information on the v 1.0.3 Wire library I think.

Please see comments in the code below

// ------------ turn off ext power ------------------
Wire.beginTransmission(0x22); // write to I2c Address 44h to set power condition
// Wire.beginTransmission(0x44); // (Use address in line above) because this one DOES NOT WORK
Wire.write(0xFA); // write command to turn off power
// ***** power does turn off here with the command in the line above as expected ***********
timeout = Wire.endTransmission(); // Check status of data sent- did it get there?
Serial.print(" Power IS OFF- timeout= "); // This time out is not being displayed in Serial monitor .. Why is that?
Serial.print(timeout); // and all the code through the end of my loop end bracket is also ignored