Arduino DUE + Ethernet Shield/Sd WebServer not working

Dear Palliser,
thank you for trying but no, it`s not working. Let me describe what happens when I run that code:

  • SD.begin(4) and SD.exists("index.htm") (OK)
  • Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); (OK)
  • client.available() (OK) (and I can see the ETHCS pin continuously switching)
  • webFile.available() (STUCK) (the ETHCS remains high while the sd is deadly low)
  • client.write() (STUCK) (well..the code is definitely freezed)

So thats the story. No possibility to use both the SD and Ethernet dynamically. I could at the beggining of the code, load all the htm file in the Arduino and than forget about the SD, but thats really memory consuming and much less elegant than a simple
while(webFile.available()) client.write(;

Hope to find a solution though.