Leonardo with HID questions

Now I have leonardo. If I burn Keyboard.pde as example to my leonardo from computer A (driver install and IDE). Then if I connect this leonardo to computer B with no IDE or driver. After that I open HID serial monitor as com port could I see HID data and auto driver from my computer B? Because I don't want my computer B to install the driver and IDE again. Could this step possible for leonardo and UNO?

After that I open HID serial monitor as com port

On which computer?

You don't need to use the Arduino IDE to see the output from Arduino Serial.print() statements. Any terminal program such as puTTY will work.

If your Leonardo is sending keystrokes they should appear in any program (such as Microsoft Word or Open Office) that is running on your PC and has focus (i.e. is accepting keystrokes from the real keyboard).
