Help LCD clear


Download the library and put it with all the other libraries. The library folder is under the IDE folder e,g, Arduino-1.0.1\libraries. There should be some examples included in the library folder.

While that technique, a carryover from older Arduino implementations, will work, you will be better off using the currently recommended procedure which is explained here --> <-- .

Why will you be better off? Because if you do it this way you don't have to remember to reinstall the library if you upgrade to a newer Arduino release.


I think that Limor's "tutorial" is awful with respect to locating where to create the "libraries" subdirectory
which is used to hold the library files.
It doesn't not really explain how it works, even using language like "it will likely be called" (how non committal....)
so it kind of expects a blind/mindless following.
Rather than offering all these different paths and ways that are specific to each OS,
a better way to locate the EXACT location for the libraries that works for all OS's the same way
is to simply bring up the IDE then click on: [File]->[Preferences]
The path to where the IDE looks will be in the text box called: "Sketchbook location".
You can continue to use the location as is, or change it if you would prefer it to be somewhere else.

Where ever your "Sketchbook location" is, create the "libraries" subdirectory.

--- bill