How to read spesific numbers?

I'd like to know how to do both. But first of all I need to seperate numeral values.
Most sensors gives me numeral inputs.
If I want to "write back" to the Arduino, lets say a numeric value, I'd like it to be able to assign different values to different places.

I got this 4 digit 7-segment display hooked up, directly to my Arduino.
Soon I'm going to use a shift register to drive it, (as I recently learned how to use a shift register).

Point is, I'm testing it out, and if I write numerals on the Serial Monitor, I want it to be able to display it.
Like if I write 1337, I want the Arduino to display this.
That would go ok, but I can only assign 1 value per digit on the display. I can't tell the display to write "1337" on one digit.

So I need it to split it up and assign it to different digits.

By the way, someone might know why, but for some odd reason, every time I write the "Serial.begin(9600)" into the Arduino code, my first 2 digits on the display becomes blurry. Why is this?