The Complete Beginners Guide to the Arduino

Thanks much. Just downloaded the book and started reading it. Noticed this in the copyright:

However, you are not allowed to provide printed copies
of it or refer to it as part of a commercial product nor provide
links to it from any website for the means of commercial

  1. I teach a class at the TechShop. TechShop is for profit and charges a fee for their classes. Is it okay with you if I tell my classes about your book? Provide a link? Include a copy in the course CD?

  2. You may want to redo the copyright language. I could be wrong, but I believe that while copyright law gives you the right to forbid copies, that you have no legal recourse to enforce the restrictions against references or links. Understand, I completely understand why you have this language, and I'll honor your request, just want to let you know that copyright law probably doesn't give you the protections you seem to be seeking.