LCD3Wire: a 3-wire driver for HD44780-based LCDs

The drawings were done using the drawing tools in MS Excel.

Hey, I added an RC integrator and tested a 2-pin 8-bit design but I'm a PIC guy (sorry). Anyway, if you're interested, I've attached a shot of the board just moments after it came up (first try!) and another couple shots of the board before I added the RC parts. The host is a PIC18F14K22 (16 MHz) with an assembly language program. The low level LCD driver uses 28 words of program memory and is isochronous. With delays for the RC tau of 3.3 microseconds, it takes precisely 83.75 microseconds to send each byte to the LCD.

Cheerful regards, Mike

K8LH 2-Pin 74HC595 8-Bit 1st Try.jpg

K8LH 595 8-Bit Proto Front.JPG

K8LH 595 8-Bit Proto Back.JPG

K8LH 2-Pin 74HC595 8-Bit Mode Concept.jpg