Port manipulation PINx commands with Arduino Due ?

Hi Westfw.

What I'm trying to do, is to port UTFT library from MEGA to work with DUE. This library is from Henning Karlsen, but since e doesn't have a DUE at the moment, he can't work on the lib now.

The original library is here:


What is needed to port is all the low level functions that deal with ports. Part of that is done following reply #3, that is, the TFT data bus. Now I'm stuck in the control pins of the TFT.

You can find attached the library with the changes I've made so far.

My last post shows the point were I'm bumping now.

The code that is failing is in the file "utft.cpp" in the lines mentioned in last post.

Can you or someone else help me out with this?

Thank you.



UTFT.zip (706 KB)